Our Gallery is a visual forum where anyone
can showcase their talent,
whether it be fine art, animation, cartooning, or humor.
Feel free to
help yourself to our own animation library.
These all started here! Files are available in both Flash
format (many of which have sound) and animated
gifs (no sound, but smaller file size).
Art Gallery
Fine artwork by some of our favorite artists.
Feel free to submit your work and you could
be selected with a link to your site.
...Daniel Kerrigan, American
Academy of Art, Chicago,
& Art Sudents League, NYC.
All work remains
the copyright property of the artist; we will not actively
distribute submitted work in any way. However, by submitting,
you recognize that work can be copied and pasted from this site
and accept all responsibility for this possibility. We happen to promote
it, so if you are concerned about your work being copied, please
refrain from submitting. To showcase your talent, email your work
for review. This is a dynamic page so check back often!.....
Copyright © 2010
, Kerrigan Toys. All Rights Reserved.
Kerrigan Toys, ktoys.com, and Laugh Trax
are trademarks of Kerrigan Toys, LLC